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Floating Flower のCD『Disappearing Sound to The New Planet』です。
ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE レーベルより300枚限定リリース。
Floating Flower プロフィール
インド古典音楽家としても活動するカネコテツヤ、金子ユキと、Acid Mothers Templeの河端一が、1998年に結成したミニマル・ラーガ・フォーク・ユニット。
2020年、21年ぶりにニューアルバム「Disappearing Sound to The New Planet」をリリース。
日本では唯一のパカーワジ演奏家カネコテツヤ、日本では珍しいインドバイオリン演奏家金子ユキ、そしてその42年間に及ぶ音楽活動を通し、アコースティックギターのみを演奏するのは唯一このFloating Flowerという河端一。
Floating Flower is a minimal raga folk unit formed in 1998 by the Indian classical musicians Tetsuya and Yuki Kaneko, and Makoto Kawabata from Acid Mothers Temple.
They released two albums in the late 90s that were praised to the skies by some American and European magazines.
The albums have been reissued several times on CD and LP, and in 2014 they were reissued in digitally remastered form to coincide with the group's reappearance.
In 2020, they have released the first album "Disappearing Sound to The New Planet" for 21years since their last album.
Floating Flower is a unique band - Tetsuya Kaneko is Japan's only pakhavaj performer, Yuki plays unusual Indian violin, while these albums are the only ones in Kawabata's entire 42 years musical career that feature him playing just gut guitar.
Welcome to a psychedelic meditation night that beckons you into the raga-folk labyrinth!